
Leesburg Florida Weather

The climate in Leesburg, Florida Weather is warm year-round. The average temperature in Leesburg is approximately 83 degF. The cool season is slightly more moderate and occurs from October to November. The best time to visit Leesburg is mid-March to mid-June, and the wettest month is January. The coolest month is February, while the hottest months are June and July. Generally speaking, the weather in Leesburg is moderate all year round.

Leesburg Experiences an Average Temperature

The length of the day varies throughout the year, but the coldest days of the year occur in November and December. Leesburg experiences an average temperature of 83degF in October. The humidity level is around 28 percent. The rainy season occurs in the middle of the year, from March to July. The wettest month is February, with an average low of 68 degF and a high of 78 degF.

Dry Season Leesburg Weather

In Leesburg, Florida, the rainy season lasts for 3.7 months, and the dry season is eight months. From June to September, there is a greater than 40% chance that a day will be a wet day. On the other hand, a wetter day in February is rare. However, this does not mean that the weather in Leesburg is always wet. In fact, a day in August can be hot or cold depending on the time of day.

Average Temperature of 83degF

The wettest month in Leesburg is July, with an average temperature of 83degF. The coolest month is February, with an average high of 69degF and a low of 48degF. The clearest month is April, when there are fewer chances of rain, but it is still warmer than the other months. Using historical data, we can determine the ideal time to visit Leesburg, FL.

Presence of  Clouds

The length of the day is significantly different in Leesburg. The shortest day is December 21, while the wettest month is June 21. The wettest month is March. The wettest part of the year is marked by the presence of a lot of clouds. The drier season lasts for 3.8 months. A typical rainy day is a day with less than 0.04 inches of liquid.

Temperature Warm

Throughout the year, the amount of rain and humidity varies. The wetter season is from June 1 to September 23. There is a greater chance of rainfall during this period. The wettest month is August, with 21.3 days of 0.04 inches of rain. The drier season is from September 23 to June 1. The wettest month is November. The temperature is warm and sunny all year round.

What climate has no dry season?

Leesburg has a dry season and a wet season. The wetter season is the drier part of the year. A dry day is a day with less than 0.04 inches of liquid. A wet day is a day when there is no precipitation. A wet day is a day with at least a half inch of liquid. A wetter month is August. The drier season is September 23 to June 1. The longest day in Leesburg is on November 21. It is the hottest month of the year. The coldest month is January. The shortest day is December 21. The longest day is June. The hottest month is October with highs of 83degF. The wettest month is February, with 69degF and 48degF. The climate in Leesburg varies from mid-March to mid-May.

Average Wet Days in Leesburg

The average number of wet days in Leesburg is greater than 44%. During the wetter season, there is a higher probability of rainy days than during the drier season. In contrast, the drier season lasts about eight months. The wettest month in Leesburg is mid-March and November. The average temperature in June is 74 degF during those months. The wettest month is December.

wettest part of the year?

Leesburg’s climate varies considerably by season. The wettest part of the year is from September 29 to June 3. During this time, there is a greater than four4% chance of a wet day. The drier season lasts for 3.7 months. In contrast, there are only two months with less than four percent of a wet day. During the drier season, the averages for the other months are lower.

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